Diamonds or Light

Weekly blog, reviews, poetry, and more.

Established in June of 2016 Diamonds or Light is a blog focusing on poetry, books, and Karma guidance.

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Unlocking the Best House Sitting Jobs is like any regular subscription service: costly

In our relentless quest for personal and financial freedom, many of us stumble upon the concept of house sitting jobs—a fascinating path that promises not just a roof over our heads but an opportunity to explore different cultures and lifestyles without the burden of accommodation costs. It’s an intriguing proposition, isn’t it? Diving into the…

Fun DIY Projects for Kids of All Ages

Engaging in DIY projects is not only a way to have fun; it’s a pathway for kids to learn practical, valuable skills tied to various curriculum areas 2. These activities are an excellent source of indoor play, offering countless benefits such as fostering problem-solving abilities and boosting creativity 2. With activities ranging from crafting with recyclable materials…

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

I believe it’s time for a look into Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel delves into a culture of abuse that, while situated in a specific time and place, remains tragically relevant. Set in rural Georgia during the first half of the 20th century, the story follows Celie, an African American woman trapped in a cycle of violence and…

Have you read Embraced by the Light?

I loved this book. I hadn’t really read anything in this genre before and it is intriguing. “Embraced by the Light” is a memoir by Betty J. Eadie, recounting her profound near-death experience, making her an international best-selling author and speaker in the field [1]. This book delves into Eadie’s journey into the spirit world, offering…


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